Ilya Teplitsky, Licensed Consultant
My Personal Journey to Prosperity
My quest for unlimited freedom, meaningful work and financial success was typical for a person going through mid-life crisis. I quit my lucrative employment and embarked upon the exciting journey of a small business owner. In spite of the spectacular professional success I enjoyed almost from the start, financial success continued to elude me. Two advanced degrees, a psychotherapy license and years of experience did not make much difference. The principle, Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow, did not work for me. Nor did it work for most of my clients, students, teachers and associates. Neither, did it work for great many geniuses who found their rightful place in history books, but could not generate sufficient income. For most of us, financial success has very little correlation with our talents, education, intelligence or even tremendous and sustained efforts. In fact, millions of people generate very substantial income by engaging in occupations in which they are mediocre at best. This discovery inspired me conduct a few years of research. As a result, I designed a process of generating prosperity, making intelligent career choices and discovering your Destiny that I have been teaching to my clients and students since 1993.

We are offering you a highly economical and effective process to:
Here’s what our happy students and clients had to say about us
“I thought “Psychology of Money” was and outstanding class. I was looking for a house to buy and I was interested in talking to Ilya about timing -pinpointing the best time to make a low-bid offer. Through the class, I determined the best time to make the offer, and I purchased my second house for the offer I made.” Edwards
I attended Ilya Teplisky’s class, Mid Career Life Change, in Richmond, CA. in 2005, while I was working as a Contract Specialist for UC Berkeley. The class was very interesting, novel and timely, and I learned many things about myself. I found Ilya to be a very good teacher and well liked by the students. I was most impressed that the material was original, unique and very easy to work with. I enjoyed the class so much that I signed up for two more of his classes, Psychology of Money and Psychology of Investing, both of which were excellent. When I was going to purchase a home, Mr Teplisky cautioned that house prices would certainly go down. I bought anyways, and the escrow closed just a few weeks before the Financial Meltdown in August 2008. The price of my house fell almost 40% in the next year and a half and is still down about 20% from my purchase price!”, Raymond Lee Khoury
“Ilya is able to quickly and concisely evaluate the natural tendencies and innate direction of the life of an individual using astrological references found on their personal birth map. His insights and overview were both aligned with my own observation and intuition , and supportive and useful in providing guidance for me to examine future possibilities in the extensive world of choice. I enjoyed our active dialogue and interesting questions that he proposed to me and feel his service was a light for my own process of seeing, accepting, reflecting and consciously moving forward in my life.” Susan Mankowski
Newspaper Quotes
Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California, April 1, 2002): “ Adult school principale Kevin O’Halloran says Teplitsky is a talented man whose students consistently compliment his courses.”
The Daily Review (Hayward, California, April 3, 2002): “Far from the traditional bevy of adult school courses tailored to computers and cooking, Ilya Teplitsky’s Piedmont Adult School course challenges the students to take a psychological leap….”
The Piedmonter (Piedmont, California, March 15, 2002): “… Psychology of Money’was an outstanding class.” said Edwards.”