Discover your Midas Touch
by reading self-help books on psychology of money
Midas Touch
Money has a mystique of its own, and your ability to earn a living often has no relationship to your talents, intelligence, education or dedication.
Other forces are at play that influence, and frequently even determine, your financial successes and failures.
We all possess a Midas Touch, a unique ability to manifest prosperity, which can be discovered through the process that I teach.
Start you Prosperity Journey Today
by using our customized process

Psychology of Money

Discover Your Life Purpose

Midlife Career Change
Online Consulting Services
If you need guidance in the areas of Psychology of Money, Discovering you Life Purpose and Changing Careers consider our Skype consulting services.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide education and guidance in three most important subjects for all of us. These subjects include How to Make Money, How to Choose a Career and How to Find Purpose in Life. These subjects are not taught at high school, and whatever is taught in universities or presented in self-help books is full of general statements most of which do not apply to you personally. We have created a process of personal transformation, which will be tailored to your psychological traits, your work and family history and your current situation to help you make financial, career and lifestyle choices that would dramatically improve your life.
It is also a part of our mission to provide commentaries on the current affairs related to economy, stock market as well as future trends to help you find your place in the current global economy.